Katie's pictures

Katie's pictures

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Anyone who knows me will tell you all I love Dachshunds.  I have owned one of these little darlings most of my adult life.  At one time I owned 4 at once.  Now I own just two, but one of those two is actually my daughter's dog.  My dog is Maxwell, aka Macky; and Jenny's dog is Baylee, aka Peanut. I have a special affinity for dogs, I feel like of all animals, they show the most love and affection.

I have never found another human who will love unconditionally like a dog.  They are remarkable, warm, silly, sweet and just a tad dangerous.  I find I can be myself and not pretend anything.  I don't care if the animal kisses me. I am no germ maniac. I realize that dogs can get terrific di
seases, rabies, cancer, degenerative disc disease, and so on.  But, I also know that with proper care, we can prevent a lot of what will hurt your dog.

I just want people to understand that a pet will calm you, soothe you, make life so much more wonderful.  I am especcially thankful for my little ones.  I have a mental illness, they keep me calm, and more sane.  I stroke their soft coat and feel comforted. I don't get as depressed, or as manical. I am on a more even keel.

I have had to learn patience.  I have learned to protect them, walk them, feed them....They are so like a small child.  You can spoil them, teach them, and learn from them.

I pray that we as a people will learn to protect animals.  I am saddened when I read about animal abuse.  What has a dog or cat ever done that would invite the pain and misery we sometimes inflict on  them? I have heard about a dog being dragged by its owner, because the animal did not know how to walk on a leash.  I saw a program where a man literally threw his cat out a 3rd story window, because it meowed. I have seen countless stories of animals being abandened by their owners, or left in sad conditions.  Puppy mills where the poor females are bred time after time until they are sick or dead.  So much pain, so much hatred.

Shelters are full of sad and neglected animals.  Some are killed because the abuse was so severe the animal is unable to be trusted.  What a crying shame. I am a bonafied sissy when it comes to harm or deliberate injury to animals, I cry to see them hurt.

I am done with my soap box, will write more later.

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